트러블슈팅(Trouble Shooting)

Requirements installation failed with status: 100. It seems that there are some 404 Not Found errors for repositories listed in: 해결하기

토끼C 2023. 6. 30. 20:58

Requirements installation failed with status: 100. It seems that there are some 404 Not Found errors for repositories listed in: 해결하기



명령어를 실행하는데 다음과 같은 에러가 발생했다.

Error running 'requirements_debian_update_system ruby-3.0.0',
please read /usr/local/rvm/log/1688085728_ruby-3.0.0/update_system.log
Requirements installation failed with status: 100.



/usr/local/rvm/log/1688085728_ruby-3.0.0/update_system.log 해당 파일을 vi로 열어보니,

++ printf %b 'There has been an error while updating your system using `apt-get`.
It seems that there are some 404 Not Found errors for repositories listed in:


Make sure that all repositories are available from your system and verify your setup by running manually:

    sudo apt-get update

Make sure that it works correctly before proceeding with RVM.

If you are working from the GUI instead of the terminal, you might want to verify and fix broken
repositories using "Software & Updates" application.
++ return 100

Ctrl+End로 맨 아래로 내려보니 위의 내용이 있었다.



또 vi로 /etc/apt/sources.list 를 열어보니

deb <https://get.rvm.io> xenial-security multiverse
# deb-src <http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/> xenial-security multiverse
# deb-src <https://get.rvm.io> xenial main

아래쪽에 apt-get으로 잘못 다운받았던 rvm.io 패키지가 있었다.

deb https://get.rvm.io xenial-security multiverse

해당 부분을 지워줬더니 정상적으로 동작했다.
